
Academic Writing part 1: Academic Documents (online)

Are you in the process of writing a longer academic text? During the writing process, you may wonder how to clearly communicate your intended message to the reader, how to structure your texts, which style and word choice are suitable, how to ensure that your arguments are persuasive, etc. This online course will help you to answer these questions and optimise your writing skills.

Target group

Academic Writing part 1 is aimed at bachelor’s and master’s students who want to further develop their writing skills and who need help with writing longer texts.

Course level


Course content

During the course you will:

Our lecturer will help you to:

Admission requirements

For the Academic Writing part 1 course you need a minimum OOPT-score of 50. You can request the OOPT by emailing us at

What is an Online Oxford Placement Test?

Dates and times

This course is offered annually in February, April/May and September.

If you would like to take this course but it is either full or does not list a starting date that suits you, please click here and you will be notified once you can sign up for new dates.


You follow the course entirely online using the Virtual Classroom in Brightspace.

Number of meetings

8 online classes of 1 hour and 45 minutes per week.


2 to 3 hours per week.

Course materials

Participants will get access to Brightspace. All relevant information will be made available on the course page.


To receive a Wageningen in'to Languages certificate, a minimum attendance of 80% is required.


BSc/MSc WUR Students €60
WUR Employees €250
Regular fee €275

Payment: We will send you an invoice by email on the day the course starts.