Aleksandra Korac

Aleksandra Korac participates in the Mitofood project; a research community for nutritional optimization of mitochondrial function for health promotion and disease resistance.

Prof. Aleksandra Korac

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Biology
Studentski trg 16
11000 Belgrade
Tel +381 2187 266
Fax +381 2638 500



Mitochondrial re-modeling; mitochondrial structural alteration in brown adipocytes under influence of nutrition and hormones; mitochondrial ultrastructural  pathology

Relevant projects and functions

  • Physiological, morphological and molecular mechanisms of thermoregulation (Grant 143050, Ministry for Science & Technological Development Republic of Serbia)
  • Head of Center for electron microscopy
  • President of Serbian Society for Microscopy

Group structure

3 PhD students, 2 research assistants, 2 teaching assistants (1 man, 6 women).

Selected publications

  1. Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial re-modelling in interscapular brown adipose tissue; ultrastructural and morphometric-stereologic studies. Petrovic V, Korac A, Buzadzic B, Vasilijevic A, Jankovic A, Micunovic K, Korac B. J Microsc. 2008 Dec; 232(3):542-8.
  2. Comparative ultrastructural studies on mitochondrial pathology in the liver of AIDS patients: clusters of mitochondria, protuberances, "minimitochondria", vacuoles, and virus-like particles. Radovanovic J, Todorovic V, Boricic I, Jankovic-Hladni M, Korac A. Ultrastruct Pathol. 1999 Jan-Feb; 23(1):19-24.