Corona update 27 June 2022
Corona is back in the news. In recent weeks, infections have been on the rise: experts reckon that Covid could flare up again and it seems that it already has. We don't really need to worry about it yet, but it is important to prepare for various scenarios. That is also what the government asks us to do and the corona team and taskforce education have started on. The expectation however is that we will start education as usual after the summer.
At a national level, work is being done on the 'sectorplan corona higher education'. This plan is the starting point for WUR scenarios (set of rules/actions) that we are drawing up for five distinguishable scenarios that are envisaged for the consequences of increasing infections. The scenarios range from preventive to strongly repressive. For WUR, these scenarios are based on experiences and implementation earlier in the pandemic.
What is the current state of affairs?
No additional corona measures are in place at this time. The government's general advice is: wash your hands, cough and sneeze at the elbow, stay at home if you have complaints and take a test, make sure there is enough fresh air and get a vaccine, booster or repeat vaccination. For WUR staff and students self-tests are available at all locations. It is no longer possible to order these online.
Ventilation is also a factor in the practical implementation of the aforementioned scenarios. FB ensures that our buildings meet or exceed the standards, which are constantly monitored. If you have any questions on ventilation please contact servicedesk.facilities@wur.nl.
In the coming period the e-mail address info.corona@wur.nl will again be available for questions. Via updates we will inform you on the work of the taskforces on the sector plan. For teaching staff ESA will organise a Q&A session in the first half of September.