
Dating and dendroprovenancing of wooden foundation piles

Many Dutch buildings were built on wooden foundation piles. During the last decennia problems arose with bacterial degradation of the piles.

Within the EU project BACPOLES the age and origin of pine and spruce wood from foundations of historic buildings was determined. In order to check whether local or imported wood was used several 200-year long pine chronologies have been built up for the Netherlands. Oak and pine chronologies from North- and Central Europe have been used for dating and Dendroprovenancing.



MSc theses

  • Morales AndrĂ©s, M. (2003). Construction of long tree-ring chronologies of Pinus sylvestris from the Netherlands for dendrochronological dating and dendrochronological research. (supervision: Bauwens, Sass-Klaassen)
  • Overeem, B. van (2009). The effect of time, water and wood characteristics on bacterial degradation in wooden foundation piles. (supervision: Sass-Klaassen, in cooperation with Klaassen/SHR)