Dialogue-debate session "Pathways for the sustainability transition of Ukraine’s post-conflict food system''
Rico Ihle of AEP co-organized the dialogue-debate session "Pathways
for the sustainability transition of Ukraine’s post-conflict food system"
at the 2023 SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR conference "Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures"
The conference took place on 7 july 2023 on Wageningen Campus with contributions from the Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine, the chairgoups Environmental Policy(ENP), Water Systems
and Global Change(WSG) and Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy(AEP) of
Wageningen University, the Joint Stock Company Odessa Port Plant, Kees
Huizinga (a Dutch large-scale farmer in Ukraine) and the OECD.
During the session the following debatable statements have been
- “The implementation of Dutch soil improvement techniques and water management practices could dramatically enhance the resilience and productivity of Ukraine's post-conflict food system.”
- “Rural sustainable entrepreneurship is crucial for postwar rural recovery.”
- “The Black Sea post-war restoration should be based on the joint efforts of EU member states to secure food safety.”
- “Small farms contribute more to food security and safety than large-scale farms.”
- “Bottom-up governance in post-conflict Ukraine is vital for inclusive decision-making and bridging the urban-rural divide in advancing healthy, sustainable and resilient food systems.”
- “Sea grain logistics cannot be replaced with automobile and train logistics to export Ukrainian grain.”
- “Distribute the money amongst farmers by (foreign) farmers.”
- “Ukrainian agriculture will surprise with the pace of the recovery, but at the expense of small-holder farming and animal production.”