Information for travelling

Travel to the venue

The address of the Hotel WICC is Lawickse Allee 9, 6701 AN Wageningen.

The address of Omnia is Hoge Steeg 2 (Wageningen Campus, Building 105), 6708 PH Wageningen.

Flying into Schiphol airport

Most international visitors arrive at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam). First, you pass through Immigration. Before collecting your luggage, it is advisable to exchange any foreign currency into Euros at one of the banks (grenswisselkantoren). Moreover, ATMs at readily available throughout the airport and in Wageningen (and elsewhere in the Netherlands) and most ATMs and shops accept international cards (both debit and credit).

In order to travel with the train and bus, we strongly advise you to buy an ‘OV-chipkaart’ at Schiphol service points. With this OV-chipkaart you can travel on all public transportation in the Netherlands. Traveling by public transportation is the cheapest and most efficient way of traveling to the conference venue.

From Schiphol airport to Ede-Wageningen train station

By Taxi: Taxis to Wageningen are available at Schiphol Airport, however, please be advised that these are very expensive, with prices ranging well over €150.

Car rental: If you are interested in renting a car, then please refer to the following website

By train: The cheapest and easiest way to travel is to take a direct train from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen (one-way ticket is €19.00 (e-tickets via are €1 less)). These direct trains depart from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen every 30 minutes, leaving every hour at XX:02h and XX:32h. Take the intercity train in the direction of Arnhem/Nijmegen from platform 3 and get off at Ede-Wageningen train station. Travel time from Schiphol to Ede-Wageningen is approximately 1 hour.

You can also plan your travel via

Please note that there are also indirect trains leaving from Schiphol Airport at XX:18h and XX:48h from platform 3, however, they require you to change trains at Utrecht station and take a second train from platform 19 in the direction of Arnhem/Nijmegen. Also, here you have to get off at Ede-Wageningen train station.

From Ede-Wageningen station to Wageningen city center

By bus: From Ede-Wageningen station you can take the bus to Wageningen Bus Station in the city center. Please be advised that you can only pay with the OV-chipkaart that you bought at Schiphol airport. Travel time is approximately 30 minutes.

By taxi: Alternatively, you can also take a taxi from Ede-Wageningen train station to the WICC (approximately €30).

Wageningen bus station to WICC

From Wageningen Bus Station to the WICC is an easy 5-minute walk (see blue dotted line on the figures below). Simply take a right on the Lawickse Allee, go straight for a few hundred meters and then the WICC will be on your left.

<L CODE="C09">Wageningen bus station to WICC</L>
Wageningen bus station to WICC