
Internship Communication Strategies

When and why do we stick to our promises?

Description of the internship

Recently, Lokhorst et al (in press) performed a meta-analysis showing that overall, when people make a commitment to change an environmental behavior, they tend to adhere to such commitments. However what we do not know is under which conditions this effect is (not) likely to occur. These conditions would be moderators of the commitment effect. We also do not know why the commitment effect occurs, in other words, what the underlying mechanism is. This would be the mediator of the commitment effect.

In this research the student would be expected to read the relevant literature and based on that choose a moderator or mediator that is likely to affect the commitment effect. The student would then run an experiment testing the hypotheses, so gather data and analyse it using SPSS. Appropriate analyses are likely to be ANOVA and mediation analyses (bootstrapping).

