Lianas diversity, distribution patterns and functional ecology in a Central African tropical rain forest, Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo
Compare floristic composition of two mature forests that contiguously co-occur, and to explore their spatial and temporal changes. Data here used is based on four 10-ha permanent plots in the Ituri Forest, northeastern DR Congo, and covers nearly 25,000 individuals belonging to c. 260 species. Plots data sets (initial and two recencuses) of ~ 14 years with recensuses intervals of 5-6 years of growth, mortality and recruitment will be used for dynamic analysis. Although botanical data on lianas and trees exisit; liana infestation, tree crown illumination and crown form have not been evaluated, and the height has not been estimated. These additional information will be collected during this project. In addition, for each plot soil samples will be collected in the field and climatic data (precipitation, temperature) will be obtained from existing data sets and meteorological data that the Ituri Dynamics Plot project continues collecting in each of the field station of the present study.