Looking for a WUR teacher with an interest in Open Educational Resources
Would you like to contribute to the reuse and sharing of educational resources at WUR? Do you create, share or use Open Educational Resources (OER) in your courses or have an opinion about them? The Coordinating Group OER (in Dutch: Regiegroep) is looking for you!
Advancing Open Educational Materials
The policy guidelines on Open Educational Resources have recently been approved by the Board. For teachers, the benefits of using Open Educational Resources include higher quality materials and increased visibility of their course materials.
Become a member of the Coordinating Group OER
The Coordinating Group (Dutch: Regiegroep) Open Educational Resources is looking for a new teaching staff member to ensure that the implementation of the OER policy meets practical requirements. We ask that you critically and constructively contribute to this process, based on your perspective as a teacher and that of your network. The task group meets every six weeks for 1 hour. Some preparation work is required for each meeting. If you want to receive more information or if you’re interested in joining the Coordinating Group, please contact SergeStalpers (serge.stalpers@wur.nl), Coordinating Group secretary.
Open Educational Resources at WUR
WUR has high ambitions to create up-to-date learning materials accessible for all teachers, innovate education and diversity in teaching methods, enrich the repertoire of teachers; benefit learners in WUR's Continuing Education, and contribute to solving societal issues by sharing educational materials with partners all over the world.
Examples of open educational resources at WUR include texts, assignments and videos on WUR Library for Learning, Edusources, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and open textbooks.