
Lost in Transition

* Navigating Cultural, Academic and Personal Change *

Starting to study in a foreign country - or moving away from home for the first time - is an exciting, but also challenging, adventure.

Do you feel lost in the transition to the Netherlands or Wageningen? Do you find it difficult to adapt to a university system that works differently from what you're used to? You are not alone!

The workshop Lost in Transition will help you on your way to make this new place feel like home away from home.

Organised by Student Training & Support

Mon 11 November 2024 17:30 to 19:30

Venue Campus, Global Lounge (behind Campus Plaza)
Price Free

Why join this workshop?

Living in a new culture can be overwhelming, but mindfulness can really help. In this workshop, you will learn how to stay grounded in the present moment, manage feelings of loneliness and homesickness, and reflect on what truly matters to you.

Develop a crush instead of a crash with your new country
Nereida Ordovas

No matter where you’re from, this workshop is for you if you're looking for practical tools to see your experiences in a new light, share your experiences in a safe, supportive environment and exchange tips with other students.



Moving to a new country is a challenge. Missing home may cause feelings of stress, sadness or even anger. And, let's face it, the constant bumping up against cultural differences doesn't make it easier. But don't worry, it's perfectly normal. We will practice approaching these feelings as a natural part of your process. You will see. Once you embrace it, you will feel new energy flowing.

Dutch Culture

Dutch culture is often characterized by direct communication and a strong sense of independence, which might feel different from what you're used to.

Embracing these differences rather than resisting them can help you adapt more smoothly. Take the time to observe, listen, and ask questions, as understanding local customs and values is key to building meaningful relationships and thriving in your new academic environment.


Trust yourself, and the value you bring to the Dutch - Wageningen - student community! The differences you feel don’t have to be barriers; they can also inspire your relationships with others. Of course, you will adapt, but you don’t have to abandon your own culture. 

Sharing experiences create a sense of belonging; you are not alone! We will exchange tips on how to meet people and make new friends.

Educational shock

The academic approach in Wageningen may be very different from your home country. Teaching styles, workload, planning... nothing is as it used to be. Mindfulness can help you cope with change. Accept your feelings and give them some space. In the meantime, remember why you are here; stay true to your motives.

    Practical info

    Language English
    Group size max 15 students
    Course duration 1 session of 2 hours
    Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support

    Are you interested in joining this workshop? Please register. We will contact you when a new workshop is scheduled.