
Lunch lecture Tim van Hattum

In November 2022, the book ‘Only Planet: Klimaatgids voor de 21ste eeuw’ (Only Planet: a climate guide for the 21st century) written by Tim van Hattum was published. Tim is Program Leader Green Climate Solutions at the Environmental Sciences Group.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Thu 19 January 2023 12:30 to 13:30

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

The book describes how most of the solutions to address climate change are already available. Tim says we must restore the balance between nature and our society. Tim believes that working with nature and the extensive deployment of smart technology creates hope for the future. He takes the reader on a trip to seven inspiring exampled across the globe. Tim also shows with this book, which includes a lot of Wageningen research, that a lot of positive things are already happening and mentions many inspiring examples.