Alumnus testimonial
Marcel Schuttelaar
‘The Wageningen style was always very understated: “Act normally, that’s crazy enough,” as the Dutch saying goes. Now I see Wageningers taking more and more pride in their university and its disciplines. I think that’s an excellent development.’
That combination of societal orientation and scientific exploration so typical of Wageningen is worth its weight in gold, especially in this day and age.
There is plenty of enthusiasm and passion in the group of Ambassadors to make a significant difference for Wageningen UR, individually and in a business capacity.’
After graduating, Marcel Schuttelaar worked for fifteen years, first at Friends of the Earth Netherlands, then at the Stichting Konsumenten-kontakt (consumer contact foundation) and the Consumentenbond (consumer association). As campaign leader of these organisations, he was responsible for around 40 national consumer campaigns. He was also a member of numerous advisory committees for nutrition and the environment. Schuttelaar was co-founder of the Max Havelaar Stichting and a member of the Executive Board for ten years.
In 1995, he set up Schuttelaar & Partners, a consultancy agency that operates at the interface of public relations and public affairs. The mission of Schuttelaar & Partners is to promote a healthy and sustainable world. Societal trends, opinions and signals are translated into communication and advice. The agency focuses specifically on the agrofood, biobased and health sectors and works for around 150 businesses and organisations. It has offices in Wageningen, The Hague and Brussels and deploys around 80 experts in communications and relevant disciplines.
More about the Wageningen Ambassadors