MODAP Clinic: ProAnVis
This workshop took place in May 2012. Below you can find a description of the contents of the workshop and whenever available, the presentations that were given by the invited speakers.
Workshop description
The MODAP ‘Clinic’ is directly linked to the ‘Urbanism on Track’ course (AR0068) of the TU Delft in which students and staff of TU Delft/Urbanism collect, process, analyse and visualise tracking data. The goal of this clinic was to provide the participants with up-to-date knowledge and skills to store, process and analyse tracking data as a source of knowledge for understanding movement behaviour of people in relation to their environment. The participants worked on different aspects of data processing, -mining, -storage, -visualisation and -analysis guided (assisted?) by professionals of different institutes.
More information: MODAP Clinic: ProAnVis