
Movie 'for a better city climate' on Kennis voor Klimaat TV

August 2, 2013

Knowledge for Climate TV shows in the episode "For a better City Climate" how cities and their inhabitants can adapt to climate change. Together we make the city better, nicer and climate proof!

The climate is changing and this is noticeable in the city. It becomes warmer, wetter and drier in town. Fortunately we can do something about it and immediately take advantage from it. How about playing with the water, placing green roofs and making your own vertical garden. 

With the prospect of the second heat wave in 2013 it is certainly interesting to see the video below (in Dutch). OR OR watch at bottom of this page

Among others Sanda Lenzholzer shows and explains some of the possibilities to improve the climate in the city (from minute 1.35).

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