New copyright statement guidelines for WUR reports
Selecting the right copyright statement for research reports can be tricky. The Library, along with Corporate Legal and Corporate Communications, created clear guidelines and a flowchart to assist researchers in selecting the appropriate copyright statement for research reports.
Flowchart for WUR reports

Wageningen University & Research publishes hundreds of research reports every year. These reports are permanently stored in the library's e-depot, registered in the Research Information System Pure (RIS) at the Library and accessible through Research@WUR.
Many funders require research results to be publicly shared under a CC licence. Currently, most reports that fall under this requirement are publicly available. This is in line with the WUR Open Access policy. However, CC licensing is not always applied to these reports. Some reports may be subject to a predetermined embargo period and become publicly available only after this period or are permanently marked confidential. In both cases another copyright statement is required.
The guidelines support WUR researchers in the many choices around statements, licensing and archiving of research reports and are in line with the WUR Open Access policy. A detailed explanation of the guidelines is also available.
Contact & Support
For more information on ownership and licences, please see these FAQs on the Copyright Information Point. If you have any questions, contact WUR's copyright specialists at cip@wur.nl.