Online bookshelf: LGBTQ+ inclusion
The Library has recently acquired several books to promote awareness and understanding of LGBTI+ inclusion. We encourage you to explore the topics covered in these books and gain a deeper understanding of different identities and experiences.
Books on LGBTI+ inclusion
Astbury, J. and Ayres, H. 2023. The LGBTQ history book. First American ed. edited by M. Bronski, K. Heyam, and V. Traub. New York, NY: DK. Call number: 205-A/2022
Chen, A. (2020). Ace: what asexuality reveals about desire, society, and the meaning of sex. Beacon Press. Call number: 205-A/2020.
Dyer, H. (2022). The little book of LGBTQ+ : an A-Z of gender and sexual identities. Cleis Press, an imprint of Start Midnight. Call number: 205-A/2022
Habib, S. (2019). We have always been here : a queer muslim memoir. Riverrun, an imprint of Quercus Editions. Call number: 205-A/2019.
Johnson, G. M. (2020). All boys aren't blue : a memoir-manifesto. Farrar Straus Giroux. Call number: 205-A/2020.
Kobabe, M., Kobabe, P., & Oni Press. (2020). Gender queer : a memoir. Oni Press. Call number: 205-A/2020
Vaid-Menon, A. (2020). Beyond the gender binary (Ser. Pocket change collective). Penguin Workshop. Call number: 205-A/2020.
Waal, F. de. (2022). Anders : gender door de ogen van een primatoloog. (A. Witteveen, Trans.). Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. Call number: 205-A/2020.
Series online bookshelves
WUR's Diversity and inclusion officers, together with students and staff from the the LGBTI+ community have selected the books for this bookshelf. We believe that providing access to these resources will help foster a more inclusive campus community, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to expand their knowledge and promote acceptance of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
WUR Library has created several other online bookshelves on skills. The links are at the right-hand side of this news item.