Student testimonial
Student Anneke - MSc Food Safety
After my bachelor's food technology at Wageningen University, I started in with the master's Food Safety. One of the reasons was that in my bachelor's, courses like microbiology and toxicology attracted me a lot.
I find it very interesting to work on the area of regulations, quality and preservation of food. Instead of designing or preparing the food itself. This is one of the reasons why I have chosen Food Safety.
Food Safety is a hot issue in the world nowadays and during courses realistic situations are treated. In my first year of this master's I found the courses Food Law and Food Safety Management very interesting and useful. At the moment I am busy with my thesis about basil at the chair of Toxicology.
What attracts me a lot in studying in Wageningen is the fact that the majority of the students in my year are foreigners. We are in good contact with each other, because we are a relative small group. Often we organise drinks with each other or we plan international dinners.