
Vacancy for IPOP programme Post-doc

As a post-doc you will participate in the strategic Wageningen IPOP Research Program Informational Governance for Sustainability. This program focuses on governance through information, in an era where state governance loses some of its powers and the Information Age enhances the quantity, speed and geographical reach of information for all kind of decision makers.

Vacancy for IPOP programme Post-doc, click here for more information. Apply before Monday, 22 October 2012.

Job description
As a post-doc you will participate in the strategic Wageningen IPOP Research Program Informational Governance for Sustainability. This program focuses on governance through information, in an era where state governance loses some of its powers and the Information Age enhances the quantity, speed and geographical reach of information for all kind of decision makers. Informational governance refers to the idea that information, and technologies linked to it, is fundamentally restructuring processes, institutions and practices of governance, makingthem essentially different from conventional modes of governance. Four main themes are investigated: the practice of informational governance across scales; contested processes of information use and provision; how information enhances the capacity of local communities to govern their common pool resources; role and potential of new information systems in science and governance.

The program contains 6 PhD projects, and 10 related projects from research institutes of Wageningen University and Research Centre.