Workshop Green Metropolises

Introduced by Peter Visschedijk

A one-hour session that paints a broad picture of what the market demands of Green Metropolises in the Netherlands, Europe and the World.

The outcome of this session can provide a basis for a firm agenda for Wageningen UR’s ambitions in Green Metropolises.

Workshop Green Metropolis

In the 21st century cities, city regions and metropolitan areas face several challenges. Unprecedented urban growth and decline, climate change adaptation and mitigation and potential shortage of resources like, water, food and energy are probably the grandest physical challenges urban regions face. Changes in society and the increase of democratization are changing the decision making processes and add to the complexity of nowadays city planning, design and development. Wageningen UR has several area’s of expertise that relate to the above mentioned urban challenges.

In the one-hour session at the symposium we would like to invite you to join us in painting a broad picture of the market demands of green urban and metropolitan development in the Netherlands, Europe and the World. The outcome of this session can provide a basis for a firm agenda for Wageningen UR’s ambitions on ‘Green Metropolis’.