Student testimonial
Eythel Rose
“My name is Eythel Rose. In January 2023 I fled Pakistan with my parents and four siblings. It became too dangerous for us to live and exercise in our faith as an evangelist Christian in a Muslim country. I have been waiting on asylum in The Netherlands since then.
In Pakistan I was a general practitioner, and during the Covid-pandemic I was a first-line doctor in the intensive care unit for 1,5 years. While waiting for asylum in The Netherlands, however, I could not find work and I had little to do most days, except learn Dutch and volunteer at our Church on weekends. I see many academically schooled refugees, whose brains and talents are just wasted in the AZC’s. Luckily, I found the WURth-while programme.
Thanks to WURth-while, I have been able to follow several courses. During the course General Medicine, I met doctors from the hospital Gelderse Vallei and was able to discuss many cases. I also followed a course on the brain-gut connection, on public health, and on infectious diseases. I always thought I was going to do a Masters in Public Health. But after following these courses, I realised that my real interest lies in infectious diseases.
When I worked in hospital during covid, I only sent samples to the lab. But in my course in Wageningen I got to work in the lab myself, learn how the machines work and how intricate the techniques are. Because of the extensive viruses that we are facing today, I would like to do research on antiviral drugs. Covid was an isolating time, sleeping and working in the hospital and not seeing my family for a month at a time. That experience has really motivated me to contribute to this and I hope to follow a Master’s programme when I get my residency permit.
I am so grateful to the Dutch society for giving us food, shelter and clothes, and Dutch people are so courteous and welcoming. The church in Ede we joined found us pastor’s houses to house sit in Wageningen. We have received immense love since we moved here. I really want to give back to Dutch society because of everything we have received. When I get my permit I really want to work. And pay taxes!
The WURth-while programme is such an amazing initiative, helping so many refugees like me who cannot pay the fees to study in Wageningen. It allows us to do something with our lives and give meaning to our lives. I am so grateful to the people who are contributing to this course. I hope they realise what their support means to our lives. They are making a great impact, changing our lives for the better. God bless them."