Sri, Louise O. Fresco Fund recipient
Sri suffered a study delay due to academic and physiological problems. This caused her financial problems including surviving for three weeks on 0.26 cents. Thanks to the Louise O. Fresco Fund, her financial problems became a thing of the past.
"My name is Sri and I am from Indonesia. I am a student of MSc Plant Sciences in Wageningen University. I started my study in February 2020. Unfortunately, it took me a longer time to finish my master’s study, that’s why I am now still in the 4th year of study. My scholarship, however, only funded me for 2.5 years, which is reasonable because the average duration to finish a Master’s degree is 2 years. In my case I had some academic and physiological difficulty that resulted in delay with finishing my study. Due to my case, fortunately, I got help for the University as well as funding for my tuition fees for 4 months during."
"The thing is, I do not have any income source. My savings for paying my tuition fee have run out since last year, and looking for part-time job is very difficult as I am an international student. I am also very busy with studying in weekdays, so the only available option is in the weekend. Asking for help from my family is also not possible because to Indonesian currency, my basic needs in here is significantly high. It was very stressful. For example, I lived with 7 euros in my back account for 1 week, and for 3 weeks I lived with only 0.26 euros. It was a very stressful situation, although I believed that this too would pass."
"When I first heard from my student dean about this fund, I did not immediately apply. At that time some of my friends offered me to help, so I was fine for a while. However, I found that it is very embarrassing to ask for more help. Then, I gave it a try to apply to this Louise O. Fresco Fund and fortunately I was given some help of 2 months for my needs. I cannot express how relieved I was when I read that I got this fund."
"I finally can pay my rent on time, without having to get two warnings from Idealis. Before I had gotten the funding, I had been eating very sad food. Please don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that at that time I was still able to eat something. But now that I got some help, I was able to cook some proper food and I was able to share food with some people."
"Once again, thank you so much for your support and generosity. I will always be thankful for your help. I think this is a great initiative. This also motivates me to work harder so in the future, I can help other people that are facing financial difficulties because I understand how it feels. Your generous support has made a significant impact on my daily activity and has allowed me to continue my studies without worrying about how I will pay my rent or provide for myself for my need."