Data Science Courses
As research in the Wageningen University & Research specific domains requires an increasing set of skills and knowledge in the field of big data and Data Science, WUR matches that demand with an increasing choice of education possibilities in Data Science.
To share data in a meaningful way, we must be able to express the associated metadata.
How to specialise in Data Science at WUR?
The students who follow BSc and/or MSc programmes have various possibilities to extend their knowledge or specialise in Data Science. During the BSc programmes the students can choose for BSc minor of Data Science where they learn the basics of Data Science.

Both in the bachelor and master program the students can also select one or more free choice courses related to Data Science. See below an overview of the Data Science courses and tracks for each programme:

In some of the master programs it is already possible to follow dedicated specialisations and tracks which focus on Data Science skills in a specific domain. For example the specialistion Data Science for Health Promotion. There is also a possibility to use online courses or other materials on Data Science.
We recommend you discuss your possibilities with the study advisers of dedicated programmes or contact WDCC for more information and possibilities.
Data Science courses
Information Technology (INF)
- Data Science Concepts
- Programming in Python
- Big Data
- Linked Data
- Data Management
Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (YMS)
Human nutrition (HNE)
Systems and Synthetic Biology (SSB)
Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles
Operations Research and Logistics
Business Economics
Mathematical and Statistical Methods (MAT)
- Statistics for Data Scientist
- (Advanced) Statistics
- Advanced Statistics for Nutritionists
- R for Statistics
Communication, Philosophy and Technology (CPT)
Library (LIB)
Farm Technology (FTE)
Crop Systems Analysis (CSA)
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group (WEC)
Bioinformatics (BIF)
- Hypothesis Generation from Omics Data
- Algorithms in Bioinformatics
- Biological Data Analysis and Visualisation
- Practical Computing for Biologists
Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing (GRS)
- Deep Learning in Data Science
- Smart Environments
- Geo Scripting
- Machine Learning for Spatial Data (PhD / postdoc)