Informacion para estudiantes

Tuition Fees 2016-2017

The tuition fees 2016-2017 for bachelor and master students are set out in the table below. The mentioned rates and conditions may be subject to change depending on Dutch legislation and Wageningen University policies.

Type Tuition Fee Amount 2016/2017
Statutory Tuition Fee €1,984.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 1 €1,984.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 2 (Cohort 2016) €15,000.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 2 (Cohort 2015) €14,450.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 2 (Cohort 2014) €14,450.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 2 (Cohort 2013) €14,225.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 2 (Cohort 2012 and earlier) €10,000,-
Institutional Tuition Fee 3 (Cohort 2016) €16,600.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 3 (Cohort 2015) €15,960.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 3 (Cohort 2014) €15,250.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 3 (Cohort 2013) €14,230.-
Institutional Tuition Fee 3 (Cohort 2012) €13,025.-

Which type of tuition fee do I have to pay?

The conditions per type of tuition fee as explained below, apply to bachelor and master students. For linkage programme students and Online Master programme students other conditions may apply.

Statutory Tuition Fee

To be eligible for the statutory tuition fee you have to fulfil the following two conditions: the Nationality requirement and the Degree requirement.

When you want to enrol for a second study programme at Wageningen University (bachelor or master), you may also have the right to pay the statutory tuition fee if:

-  You fulfil the nationality requirement and you enrol for a second bachelor study programme before finishing your first Dutch bachelor study programme. After having obtained your first Dutch bachelor degree, you may continue your second bachelor study programme and pay the statutory tuition fee.  Your enrolment as a student at Wageningen University for the second study programme must be continuous.

-  You fulfil the nationality requirement and you enrol for a second master study programme before finishing your first Dutch master study programme. After having obtained your first Dutch master degree, you may continue your second master study programme and pay the statutory tuition fee.  Your enrolment as a student at Wageningen University for the second study programme must be continuous.

Institutional Tuition Fee 2

You fulfil the nationality requirement but you do NOT fulfil the degree requirement at the start of your enrolment for the WU study programme. The amount of the institutional tuition fee 2 to be paid depends on the year in which you have started your study at Wageningen. In case of re-enrolment, you must have been enrolled as a student for the same study programme continuously.

Institutional Tuition Fee 3

You do NOT fulfil the nationality requirement. The amount of the institutional tuition fee 3 to be paid depends on the year in which you have started your study at Wageningen University. In case of re-enrolment, you must have been enrolled as a student for the same study programme continuously.

Have you started your study in 2011-2012 or earlier, please see the invoice you received from Wageningen University for the tuition fees to be paid. Please contact the Student Service Centre for questions related to your tuition fee.

Students who are subject to a fellowship programme or study in in the context of a cooperation agreement between Wageningen University and another institution, may qualify for an adapted institutional tuition fee 3 rate. Please contact the Student Service Centre for questions related to your tuition fee.

Online Master Programme

The Online Master programme may take 3 or 4 year to complete, depending on how you want to do your thesis and internship. If you are able to spend approximately 40 hours per week in the third year on your thesis and internship, you can finish the programme in 3 years.

The tuition fees mentioned below are estimations, because the fees for 2018 and beyond are not yet known. The travel and accommodation costs for the Wageningen Weeks are not included in the tuition fee. Incidentally you will also need to buy a book for a course that is not included in the tuition fee.

EU/EFTA students Starting 2017-2018 Non-EU/EFTA students Starting 2017-2018
Finish in 3 years (3rd year fulltime) Finish in 4 years (3rd and 4th year part time) Finish in 3 years (3rd year fulltime) Finish in 4 years (3rd and 4th year part time)
2017-2018 €2,100 €2,100 €9,680 €9,680
2018-2019 €2,100 €2,100 €9,680 €9,680
2019-2020 €2,100 €2,100 €17,600 €9,680
2020-2021 €2,100 €9,680
Total €6,300 €8,400 €36,960 €38,720

Registration as Extraneus

Students who wish to register as ‘Extraneus’ pay Examination Fees equal to the tuition fee they would pay for enrolment as a 'Student'.


No rights can be derived from the information on this site. Conditions and amounts mentioned may be subject to change depending on Dutch legislation and Wageningen University policies.