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profile_subnav_publications - dr. VJ (Verina) Ingram
The most important publications (highlighted by the author).
Fighting imported deforestation and making commitments to Zero Deforestation
Congo Basin Forests. The 2021 State of the Forest. Eba'a Atyi R., F. Hiol Hiol, G. Lescuyer et al. Yaoundé, Cameroon, Congo Basin Forest Partnership. -
A living income for smallholder commodity farmers and protected forests and biodiversity: How can the private and public sectors contribute? . White paper on sustainable commodity production
Wageningen, The Netherlands, Wageningen UR -
The Landscape Approach: A framework for land use policy and practice
Annual Review of Environmental and Resources -
A fine mess: Bricolaged forest governance in Cameroon
International Journal of the Commons (9)1. -
Governing NTFP value chains: access to resources and markets in diversified production systems in NTFP chains
Forest, Trees and Livelihoods. 23 (1-2):6-18