De enkelvoudige versus de gecombineerde indicator voor bepaling van de fosfaattoestand van de bodem : toetsing op data van veeljarige veldproeven op grasland en bouwland
Regelink, Inge; van Middelkoop, Jantine; van Geel, Willem; Ehlert, Phillip
In the Netherlands, the application of phosphorus (P) from fertilising products is regulated through application rate limits targeting equilibrium fertilisation and a neutral P status of the soil meaning that a higher P application rate limit is assigned to soils with a low P status and vice versa. Until 2021, the soil P status was derived based on one single soil P indicator namely P-AL-value for grassland and Pw-value for arable land. From 2021 onwards, the soil P status will be derived from the combination of P-AL-value(indicator for the P capacity) and P-CaCl2 –value (indicator for P intensity) enabling to differentiate based on the P buffering capacity of the soil. Data from long term field trials supply valuable data on trends in soil P indicators in relation to crop uptake and P application rate. This report assesses trends in the single P indicator (Pw-value or P-AL-value) and combined indicator (P-AL-value and P-CaCl2-value) in relation to P fertilisation rate and P uptake rate using data from long term field experiments on grassland and arable land.