

Foodvalley is the knowledge-intensive agrifood ecosystem of the Netherlands. As a knowledge leader, Foodvalley aims to play a central role in searching for a solution to the increasing demand for healthy and sustainable nutrition.

We are aware of the urgency. Until 2050, the global demand for food is expected to increase by 60 per cent. To meet this demand, groundbreaking innovations are required. This is the time to implement the available expertise towards the production of healthy and sustainable nutrition.

Foodvalley ecosystem

Within the Foodvalley ecosystem, with its heart in and around Wageningen, large and smaller businesses and knowledge institutes have collaborated for many years towards innovative technical solutions. Foodvalley is known in the Netherlands and abroad as a knowledge and innovations ecosystem in the field of healthy and sustainable food production and nutrition.

Foodvalley 2030 programme: impulse for groundbreaking innovations

The private-publicly funded ten-year Foodvalley 2030 programme is to reinforce the collaboration between private and public partners. Working together to achieve the most groundbreaking innovations in agriculture and food for a healthier and more sustainable future. By sharing and applying available expertise and generating innovations that will make a difference. For example, by sharing facilities and equipment. The collaboration within Foodvalley is not limited to a single region. Relevant parties in the Netherlands and abroad are welcome to participate.

Three topics

Foodvalley 2030 aims to achieve the ambition to 'collaborate towards the most groundbreaking innovations in agriculture and nutrition for a sustainable and healthy future' in three domains:

Circular agriculture

Achieving innovations that may accelerate the transition towards circular, future-proof agriculture, and, in doing so, fortify the international competitive position of members within the Netherlands and abroad. This is the perspective on the innovation theme of Circular agriculture.

Nutrition & Health

The innovation theme Nutrition & Health aims to support groundbreaking innovations to help people age healthily, and, in doing so, fortify the international competitiveness of members and knowledge suppliers inside and outside of the Netherlands.

Protein Shift

More plant-based and fewer animal-based proteins. That is the philosophy behind the Protein Shift innovation theme. Businesses and other stakeholders within the production chain collaborate towards innovative and tasty plant-based ingredients and products, and the new technologies required to produce said products. This contributes to the transition towards healthy and sustainable consumption and a more robust international competitive position of domestic and foreign members.

The Foodvalley 2030 programme is supported by Gelderland province.