
SGL wins 2 Excellent Course Awards

Publié le
16 septembre 2014

2 SGL courses among 30 best of Wageningen

Last week two of our courses were listed in the top-30 of Wageningen University courses as most valued by students for the academic year 2012-2013. The ceremony was lead by the rector Prof. Martin Kropff and he gave an "Excellent Course Award" to:

SGL-22306; Geology Soils and Landscapes of the Rhine-Meuse Delta. Coordinated by Marthijn Sonneveld (+), teaching also by Arnaud Temme, Gert Peek and Bart Makaske.

SGL-31806: Field Training Geosciences. Coordinated and taught by Jeroen Schoorl, and supported by Jetse Stoorvogel.