
Wageningen University & Research versterkt samenwerking met Massey University

10 oktober 2019

Premier Rutte bracht op 8 en 9 oktober een bezoek aan zijn ambtgenoot in Nieuw-Zeeland. In de slotverklaring Joint Cooperation Statement on Climate Change werd het belang van samenwerking benadrukt om wereldwijde vraagstukken, zoals klimaatverandering, het hoofd te bieden. Enkele highlights uit de verklaring.

Right now there are major global challenges in all of these areas – none more so than in our environment. For New Zealand and the Netherlands, taking decisive and ambitious action on climate change is a priority and we are committed to embracing this challenge, while building a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy that improves living standards and wellbeing.

Er wordt onderkend dat beide landen uitstekend geëquipeerd zijn om een bijdrage te leveren:

Our countries share a strong agricultural tradition. We acknowledge our farming communities as pillars in our economies. We also acknowledge the strong commitment from our governments and farming leadership to cooperate to tackle climate change.

Duurzame voedselvoorziening

Nederland en Nieuw Zeeland hebben allebei een grote traditie op het gebied van onderzoek en onderwijs op het terrein van duurzame voedselvoorziening, gericht op het meer circulair maken van de productie en consumptie.

We acknowledge the strong academic and research cooperation between Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands and Massey University, and the new Cooperation Action Plan including a New Zealand liaison officer in Wageningen. We encourage further bilateral collaboration between our academic institutions.

We agree to exchange ideas and work together on the agricultural sector’s contribution to climate change responses. We will cooperate and innovate in the agricultural-food and agricultural-technology sectors.  In this context, we welcome the announcement of a strategic partnership between New Zealand’s Food HQ and the Netherlands’ Food Valley to work together to support our respective food industries in furthering our ambitions in sustainable food production.

Strategische samenwerking intensiveren

Om dit kracht bij te zetten is besloten de bestaande samenwerking, sinds 2011 vastgelegd in een memorandum of understanding, te versterken en uit te bouwen.

Both Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and Massey share a common view that many of the most significant issues facing food, agriculture and the environment are of a global scale, and international collaboration in research and education will be essential in addressing these issues for the benefit of society, industry and governments.

WUR and Massey have agreed to intensify their strategic cooperation together in research, education, consultancy, and other academic, business and value creation projects to address these challenges. A new Joint Liaison Officer position has been established to support these activities.