G (Giulia) Bongiorno MSc

G (Giulia) Bongiorno MSc

Post-doc (SBL) and Soil Science cluster coordinator

Giulia Bongiorno obtained a bachelor’s degree in Plant Production and Protection at the University of Milan in 2012. During her master degree in Plant pathology and Entomology at Wageningen University (WUR), Giulia developed an interest for the role of soil biota in agriculture, and in monitoring and counteracting the negative effects of intensive agricultural practices on soil biota. Giulia focused on this topic during her PhD from 2015 to 2020, which was part of the European project iSQAPER and a collaboration between the Soil Biology group (SBL) at WUR and FIBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) in Switzerland. Her work during these years ignited her interest in the role of agriculture in the broader economic and societal context. Giulia is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher in SBL, and as coordinator of the WUR Soil Science Cluster.