RM (Renske) van Lonkhuijzen MSc

RM (Renske) van Lonkhuijzen MSc


Renske is a PhD researcher in the Health and Society group at Wageningen University and Research. After obtaining a Bachelor in Health and Society, she graduated cum laude from the Master degree Communication, Health and Life Sciences (specialization in Health and Society) from WUR.

Current Under the supervision of prof.dr.ir. Edith Feskens, dr.ir. Annemarie Wagemakers and dr. Jeanne de Vries, her PhD research focuses on improving the diet quality of pregnant women for a healthy and successful start of life. In this project, the intervention Power 4 a Healthy Pregnancy is developed, implemented and evaluated jointly with all stakeholders, i.e. midwives, dieticians, health professionals and pregnant and lactating women and their partners. The intervention includes a special focus on the empowerment of pregnant.


  • Women's health
  • Empowerment
  • Health inequalities
  • Menstruation stigma
  • Sexual health and education
  • Health promotion
  • Qualitative and quantitative research