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Projecten - prof.dr.ing. L (Leonie) Bentsink

Current projects

NWO-Vici  Seeds4Ever: Protection of stored mRNAs to ensure seed survival

STW:Translational control of seed germination - role of RNA binding proteins

NWO-Open Green seeds

NWO-Vidi How does nature regulate seed life span?

Functional analyses of Delay OF GERMINATION 6



ZonMW technology hotel

NWO visiting grant


NSFC-NWO Exploring the involvement of sugar signaling in the control of seed dormancy ole of seed stored mRNAs and translation in the control of seed dormancy

Production environment and seed quality


Seed dormancy and seed longevity, towards the identification of markers and

ERA-NET-PG: The virtual seed (vSEED): Combined mathematical, engineering and post-genomics comparative biology to model the systems biology of seed dormancy, after-ripening and germination

NWO-Veni-Grant: Unravelling seed dormancy pathways, a genetic and genomic approach