
Career Perspectives

Career Perspectives is meant for PhD's in their third or fourth year who want to take the next step in their career and want support in defining and taking that step.The training is a suitable way to focus yourself on the next step in your career. Are you willing to take responsibility and investigate the best possible way for you to present yourself on the job market?

Organisator Wageningen Graduate School
Duur Preregistration for the Career Perspectives courses 2018
Prijsomschrijving Reduced fee: €500 Full fee: €1000 Extended fee: €2000

Course description

This course supports PhD candidates in a practical way with the necessary tools to apply for a job: making a distinctive CV, writing a convincing cover letter, presenting yourself at your best in a job interview and  using networking strategies effectively.

A career assessment (personality- and competence test) is an important part of this course and will be taken prior to the start of the course. The test results give you clear directions on who you are, what you are capable of and what is your value to the job market.