
Clash of the Generations?

How do millennials and the upcoming generation Z do things differently than the baby boomers? How do they use their entrepreneurial skills to create new movements, new alliances and new connections? How do they learn new things in new ways and build new careers in a fast changing world? Join the discussion how the old and the new generation can learn from each other!

Organisator Wageningen University & Research

do 10 oktober 2019 19:30 tot 22:00

Locatie Atlas, gebouwnummer 104
Droevendaalsesteeg 4
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0)317 48 08 00
StartHub, ground floor

Preliminairy setup

19:45 3 talks: 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q@A
20:30 Discuss / workshop
21:00 Drinks
21:45 End