
Erwin Bulte: Women Empowerment and Domestic Abuse

Intimate partner violence is an important global health problem that policy makers seek to address by promoting women empowerment.

Organisator Leerstoelgroep Agrarische economie en plattelandsbeleid

do 21 september 2017 12:30 tot 13:30

Locatie Leeuwenborch, gebouwnummer 201
Hollandseweg 1
6706 KN Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 48 36 39
Zaal/kamer C82

Theory and Experimental Evidence from Vietnam

We use data from an RCT in Vietnam to demonstrate that this strategy may backfire: women who participated in a gender and entrepreneurship training suffer more frequent abuse than women in the control group. Guided by theory, we provide tentative evidence that increased female income is the mechanism linking the training to domestic violence. We also make a methodological contribution, and show that the outcomes of our impact analysis depend on how we measure intimate partner violence.