
MSc MADE Living Lab results

After months of hard work, co-creation sessions, research, stakeholder interviews, design, and product development, the first cohort of MSc MADE students revealed their urban solutions and prototypes in a Living Lab exhibition.

Organisator Impulse

di 2 juli 2019 tot do 29 augustus 2019

Locatie Impulse, gebouwnummer 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 48 28 28
Prijsomschrijving Free
These students are true entrepreneurs. Kicking off the MADE master as the first cohort of students, as well as the way they worked on their living lab assignments to create innovative solutions for the real-life challenges of the city of Amsterdam
Kenneth Heijns, Managing Director

The Living Lab course is part of the MSc MADE graduation year. During the living lab course, MSc MADE students work together with partners from the city and AMS Institute’s network on solutions for a wide range of urban challenges. Allowing them to gain Living Lab experience on various urban challenges in a real-life setting. They work from an interdisciplinary approach, and with their projects they design solutions to contribute to a sustainable and liveable city.