
Youth Leadership in Climate Smart Landscapes | Panel Discussion

The WUYLF discussion panel will explore the role of youth leadership in the co-creation of innovative climate smart knowledge. The panel will be informed by the outputs of participatory and interactive workshops held two days prior to the panel.

Organisator Impulse

ma 13 mei 2019 14:30 tot 17:00

Locatie Impulse, gebouwnummer 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 48 28 28

Photos, mind maps, visual representations, stories, business plans and novel ideas developed in the workshop will thus offer insights for the interactive youth-led panel discussion. The panellists represent youth initiatives; on-the-ground solutions from our own backyard in Europe, as well as from the rest of the world and personal experiences within the domains of nature conservation, agriculture, restoration, economy, business, activism, research and practice.

Together, the 2-day event is the chance for the youth to create a space to connect, share and learn about practical and immediate action for sustainable landscapes and a climate smart future. It is a space where diverse perspectives will converge and together with critical thinking, offer new avenues for changing paradigms and instigating courageous action.

The event is organized together with the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and in partnership with Boerengroep and OtherWise Wageningen.

Read more about the workshop on 11 May on the Facebook event page