
SG – What is Decolonisation?

Decolonisation, a term that to some is completely new, and for others a term that is overused or misunderstood. But what does decolonisation mean? How is it different from decolonising and decoloniality?

Organisator Studium Generale

di 21 maart 2023 20:00

Locatie Impulse, gebouwnummer 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 48 28 28

About series ‘Decolonisation’

One way decolonial movements have addressed symbols of historical injustice is by toppling statues and changing street names. But what is decolonisation? Is (de)colonisation an event of the past, or are there colonial processes that continue until today? This series looks at a number of burning questions which touch upon the past and shine a light for the future.

About What is Decolonisation?

Decolonisation, a term that to some is completely new, and for others a term that is overused or misunderstood. But what does decolonisation really mean? How is it different from decolonising and decoloniality? Zuleika Bibi Sheik, Lecturer in Gender and Postcolonial Studies, will shed light on these questions. She will specifically focus on decolonising the Self and how that relates to decolonial ecology. How can decolonising the aelf, move us away from extractivism and towards life affirming practices?

About Zuleika Bibi Sheik

Dr. Zuleika Bibi Sheik is a poet, yogi and Lecturer in Gender and Postcolonial Studies at Utrecht University. As a South African of South Asian descent, her work centers on onto-epistemological re-existence and collective liberation. Her areas of focus include decolonising methodology, decolonial feminism, black studies, transformative justice and abolition studies.