
Inauguratie Prof. dr. Sanda Lenzholzer

Organisator Wageningen University

do 16 juni 2022 16:00 tot 18:00

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500

As Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University & Research, it is my pleasure
to announce that Prof. dr S. (Sanda) Lenzholzer, Professor of Landscape Architecture, will give her inaugural address, entitled

Deeply Integrated Design: Source of Knowledge and Innovation

on Thursday 16 June 2022 at 16.00 hours at Omnia building (105), Wageningen University & Research Campus, Hoge Steeg 2, 6708 PH Wageningen, the Netherlands.

I would like to invite you to join us for this address and the reception afterwards.

Prof. dr. Arthur P.J. Mol
Rector Magnificus