
Sustaining Industrial Water Provision in Vietnam: Strategies and Technologies

Promovendus Truong MT (Truong) Le
Promotor HHM (Huub) Rijnaarts
Externe copromotor K. Kujawa-Roeleveld
Tran Thi My Dieu
Organisatie Wageningen University, Environmental Technology

vr 14 april 2023 11:00 tot 12:30

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500
Zaal/kamer Auditorium


The thesis’s objective was to develop strategies and technologies for enabling self-sufficiency in water use in Vietnam's Industrial Zones (IZs). The strategies include measures to minimize the environmental impacts of water consumption and wastewater generation, while the technologies aim to support reuse, i.e. cascading or recycling as part of the strategic approaches. The Tan Thuan Export and Processing Zone (TTIZ), Hiep Phuoc (HPIZ), and Long Hau (LHIZ) were the IZ organisations and research partners providing ‘playgrounds’ and case studies for validating proposed approaches. A series of studies were implemented to understand (i) how to improve industrial water efficiency; (ii) how to implement the use of alternative water resources; (iii) how to design an optimal water reuse network; (iv) which hybrid technologies are feasible for maximizing water upgrading and recycling, and (v) what is a practical, systematic approach to support a sustainable water management strategy at the IZ level in Vietnam.