
Special issue on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods

1 mei 2013

Concerns about deforestation and degradation of tropical forests and about poverty among the people living in these forests have resulted in a series of policy initiatives such as policies to fight poverty or to prevent illegal timber logging. This special issue in the journal of Forest Policy and Economics describes the many new policies and programs that have been developed.

This special issue was prepared by the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy group of Wageningen University, Tropenbos International and CIFOR Cameroun.

The articles in this special issues focus on the recent efforts to control illegal timber production and trade. The special issue addresses the question of how to balance concerns on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods. Following an introducing of the theme of the special issue eight articles highlight major issues that are of relevance when considering how to reconcile concerns on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods.