EndNote is a reference management program.
EndNote allows you to organise literature references and to create reference lists.
EndNote has several special features, including syncing libraries between EndNote Online, desktop and ipad; PDF auto import; one click find full text; free sharing of libraries and automatically find reference update option.
It also facilitates the layout of references in articles, books or theses. EndNote is closely integrated with MS Word, and makes the inclusion of references in a variety of citation styles easy.
How to obtain EndNote
Wageningen University & Research staff and students can download EndNote on their private computer and/or WUR computers and laptops.
- This Windows EndNote 21 installation file enables you to install EndNote on your private Windows computer.
- This Mac EndNote 21 installation file enables you to install EndNote on your private Mac computer.
- On WUR computers and laptops you can install the most recent version of EndNote through the WUR Software Center. Find the WUR Software Centre via the Windows "start" button.
Contact Service Desk IT if you encounter an issue when installing EndNote.
How to register for EndNote Online
The online version of EndNote lets you share your references with other users of EndNote Online and is perfect for group work. You don't need to install any software in order to use the web version of EndNote.
To start using EndNote Online you first need to create an account in Web of Science and then EndNote Online is available. When working off-campus make sure that you first log in with your WUR account at the WUR Library.
The online version of EndNote does not offer the elaborate functionalities of the desktop version. You can transfer references between the desktop version and the online version.
Additional style and connection files for EndNote
If the style our the connection file you need is not available by default in EndNote, you can download it using the following links:
If the style you need is not provided by EndNote please contact us. We can help you with customising a style to your needs.