Research impact
You can measure and manage your research impact in different ways. Measure your impact with Bibliometrics or Altmetrics, or with SciVal. Use your profiles and networks to list your unique ID as a researcher and to draw readers to your publications. Make sure your output is correctly registered so that it is visible to the outside world.
Measuring your impact
Your research impact can be measured and benchmarked with bibliometrics, for instance, for Tenure Track reports or for a research proposal. Altmetrics show your societal impact on social media, policy reports and news outlets. You can use SciVal to analyse your research impact and detect trends and perhaps to develop a new line of research or new collaborations.
Profiles and networks
Author identifiers can help to solve name ambiguity, for instance, when your name can be spelled in different ways or when other researchers have the same name. This section explains how to create a unique author identifier to match all your publications to your name (ORCID) and how to set up other identifiers and engage in the associated networks.
Make your WUR output visible
WUR has a complete infrastructure to register your research output and make it visible to the outside world. Learn how to register your output in the research information system Pure and make it visible through various channels, such as your WUR personal webpage, We@WUR, Research@WUR, Staff Publications, Narcis, FAO, EU-portals and more.
Analysing citations and research networks
WUR Library staff can support citation analyses of researchers who do not have or who have not completed their output in Staff Publications (e.g., external researchers or new employees).