Pilot learning trajectory information literacy
Last December, the pilot project ‘Information Literacy Learning Trajectory in the BSc Forest and Nature Conservation’, was completed. The project aimed to design and pilot a new learning trajectory for information literacy. The new trajectory enables students to become information literate step by step and can be easily implemented in other bachelor programmes as well.
The project
In 2020, the library initiated this 4-year project to improve the teaching and learning of information literacy by piloting a newly designed learning trajectory in the BSc Forest and Nature Conservation.
Information Literacy is one of three essential research skills in the WUR Skills Programme. The university finds it important that all WUR students reach a similar basic level of information literacy by the end of their bachelor and that students are aware of their attained level. To achieve this, the library designed a learning path that helps students to develop this skill ‘just in time’, when they need it the most. Information literacy is then gradually and consciously learned and immediately used for a better learning effect.
To give students more insight into their progress, we created a designated Brightspace page. There they could find all necessary information and resources on information literacy, and we used edubadges to reward their progress. Furthermore, the learning trajectory was designed so that it can be easily applied to other BSc programmes. Finally, by designing a modular learning trajectory, we responded to WUR’s aim for more flexible education (WUR Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022, 2019).
We successfully executed the pilot in the BSc Forest and Nature Conservation, thanks to programme director Gijs Elkhuizen. Dean of Education, Arnold Bregt, commissioned the project.
The Result
The learning trajectory was thoroughly evaluated by Linda Jans and Perry den Brok from Education and Learning Sciences. The evaluation gave important insights into student and teacher experience and the project’s effect. The project delivered an excellent use case that forms the basis for further implementation but also initiated necessary discussions about flexibilization and finances and more generally the possibilities and impossibilities when a skill’s learning trajectory is implemented in a BSc programme.
Want to know more?
Get in touch with project leader Merel Middelman for more information about the project and its results.
Want to discuss Information Literacy in your BSc or MSc programme?
As a teacher or as a programme director, you want to ensure that students acquire necessary and important skills during their study. WUR Library can help you with information literacy. Get in touch with Leonie Kamminga to discuss information literacy in your course or in your programme.