For students
The Library supports you with finding scientific literature and with citing and reference management tools. You can study the e-learning modules, attend a course, consult the FAQs, or contact us for immediate support.
Get started @ WUR Library
Getting to know the Library will make studying at WUR much easier. Here is an overview of the Library’s main services & resources that will help you succeed in your studies!
Information literacy
The Library teaches information literacy in Bachelor and Master programmes.
E-learning modules
Use the e-learning modules for self-study or to refresh your information literacy skills.
Finding literature
Tips and advice for finding the publication or information you need.
Citing and plagiarism
Learn how and why you should acknowledge the sources you used in your work.
Courses and demos
The Library provides training on how to find, obtain, use, manage, and publish scientific information.
Get support for your thesis and essays
The Library offers tips, workshops and individual advice on searching and referencing sources.
MSc theses online
MSc theses online is a collection of students' theses successfully defended at Wageningen University.
EndNote is a reference management program.
Using the Library
Practical information on opening hours & library facilities
E-learning modules
- Why is it important to be information literate?
- Locate and access the information you need
- Orientate on a topic and prepare a search
- Perform a search and evaluate your results
- Perform a search in Scopus
- Perform a search in PubMed
- Perform a search in SciFinder
- Evaluate your information sources
- Cite and reference your information sources
- Publish your research findings
- Copyright basic
- Copyright advanced (coming soon)
- Finding research data