
Archiving your research records

25 januari 2021

As a WUR researcher, you have to deal with many different departments when it comes to research information. It's sometimes difficult to navigate this tangle of departments, information channels and storage possibilities. To help you, the department Document Management & Logistics (DML) has created a Factsheet Research Information in collaboration with WUR Library and Data Management Support.

Factsheet Research Information

The factsheet explains what you need to do with your all your research data and records when your research project is finished. You also find where you can go for questions.

The overview aims to make it easier for researchers to correctly complete research projects and to comply with the agreements made within WUR. Good governance of information and data is important to WUR: WUR is serious about Data! You can download the Factsheet Research information here.

If you have any questions about the overview, please contact the Servicedesk.