
Call for Abstracts: NCG Symposium 2018

28 augustus 2018

The Netherlands Center for Geodesy and Geo-informatics (NCG) uses its annual symposium to encourage exchange of ideas and discussion of scientific research in the Netherlands in the field of Geodesy and Geo-informatics.

The NCG calls for abstracts of scientific research results to be presented at the NCG Symposium 2018. Abstracts are welcomed on all topics in the field of geodesy and geo-informatics. To stimulate discussion staff members of universities participating in the NCG have been asked to coordinate sessions on topics like 3D geo-information, monitoring, point clouds, indoor geo-information, governance, precision farming, forestry, crowd sourcing and machine learning methods for geo-information science and remote sensing. Further sessions are available to accommodate presentations on other topics.

Based on abstract reviewing the programme committee will select the abstracts for oral presentations. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 October Authors shall be notified by 10 October. Please use the form on the next page to prepare your abstract.

The symposium will be held at the campus of the Wageningen University. We’re looking forward to your presentations.