
EUROCAROTEN: European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health - COST Action CA15136

26 april 2016

Main responsible partners in the Netherlands of the EUROCAROTEN Action are Prof. Dr. Jaap Keijer and Dr. Jessica Hegeman of Human and Animal Physiology. As network partners we are especially interested in the mechanisms underlying health promoting effects of carotenoids.  

On 18th April 2016, European researchers and industrial representatives from 28 countries together with Cost officers kicked-off a new European carotenoid Cost Action network in Brussels.

The goal of EUROCAROTEN is to enhance competitiveness of the European agro-food industry and promote health by coordinating research on carotenoids. Carotenoids are versatile and can be used as natural colorants, antioxidants, sources of vitamin A and functional ingredients. Of the over 750 carotenoids, only ten are being thoroughly studies, so there is much potential to produce positive impacts at different levels.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a pan-European intergovernmental framework.

Its mission is to enable break-through scientific and technological developments leading to new concepts and products and thereby contribute to strengthening Europe’s research and innovation capacities.

The EUROCAROTEN will especially address novel sources of carotenoids, little studied carotenoids, how beneficial actions of carotenoids can be harnessed to promote health and to increase competitiveness of the European agro-food industry. EUROCAROTEN will gather and articulate critical mass of European actors to promote the co-operative use of infrastructures, synergistic interactions and the sharing, generation, application and communication of knowledge. This will contribute to strengthening Europe´s research and innovation capacities. As a result it will generate breakthroughs leading to applications like new technologies and/or high-quality foods and the establishment of health-promoting nutritional recommendations. Thus, EUROCAROTEN Cost-Action will contribute to create new products and to improve health and reduce costs related to serious diseases.

EUROCAROTEN is chaired by Professor Antonio J. Meléndez Martínez, University of Sevilla, Spain