
Hurrah!! May 21 we're celebrating 5 years Writing Lab

15 mei 2019

Dear students and teachers of Wageningen University,

Wageningen Writing Lab is celebrating its five year anniversary at Wageningen University. Since 2013, we have been able to help over 1500 students find a new approach to their writing. Plenty of reason to set up a celebration. We do this in the form of a Science Slam (Science meets Poetry Slam!). Thesis students of Wageningen University will present their work in poetic form to an interested public. The students will be individually assisted by experienced young poets. The public decides who wins!

You are all invited to join our festivity at May 21 in The SPOT, Orion, starting at 4 PM with short celebrative introductions. The festivities will be opened by Prof Dr Ir Arnold Bregt. The Slam will start at 16.30. Drinks and bites afterwards.