
Mini symposium on the occasion of PhD defence of Niels Rutten 14 June 2017 09.00-12.00 hrs.

23 mei 2017

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De Leeuwenborch, Building 201, Room C76, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen

On June 14, 2017, Niels Rutten will defend his PhD thesis
entitled “The utility of sensor technology to support reproductive management on dairy farms”. The public defence of his thesis is a good reason to share knowledge about current sensor research. Therefore, a mini symposium is organized. 


09.00 hrs.      Welcome and coffee/tea

09.30 hrs.      Opening

09.40 hrs.      Ron van Burgsteden (Smart Dairy Farming)

Update on SDF in the Netherlands

09.55 hrs.      Niels Rutten (PhD candidate)

The utility of sensor technology to support

reproductive management on dairy farms.

Main results of PhD thesis.

10.20 hrs.     Tine van Werven

(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Utrecht University)

Use of sensor data by the veterinarian

10.45 hrs.    Coffee/tea break

11.10 hrs.     Lene Munksgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)

Precision dairy farming in Denmark

11.35 hrs.    Claudia Kamphuis (Wageningen Livestock Research)

New research initiatives on sensor data

12.00 hrs.    Closing

You are cordially invited to attend this mini symposium.
Please indicate your presence by sending an e-mail to