
New Doctor Machiel Bouwmans

15 januari 2018

Machiel Bouwmans successfully defended his PhD thesis on The Role of VET Colleges in Stimulating Teachers' Engagement in Team Learning on January 12, in the Auditorium of Wageningen University.

The opponents were Prof. Dr M.A.J.S. van Boekel (Wageningen University), Prof. Dr T.V. Bondarouk (University of Twente), Prof. Dr M.L.L. Volman (University of Amsterdam) and Dr P.G.C. van den Bossche (Maastricht University and University of Antwerp). Chair of the defence was Prof. Dr Ir A.K. Bregt.

The promotor was Em. Prof. Dr M. Mulder and co-promotors were Dr P. Runhaar en Dr R. Wesselink.

The full title of the dissertation is: 'The Role of VET Colleges in Stimulating Teachers' Engagement in Team Learning'.

Congratulations to Machiel!